April 25-27
Chaparral KC
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
May 2-4
Scottsdale Dog Fanciers
Location: Scottsdale
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
May 16-18
Durango KC
Location: Farmington, NM
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
May 17-18
Arizona White Mountain KC
Location: Show Low
PFOC Board Meetings (6:30 pm)
April 11
May 9
May 16
PFOC General Meeting
Time: 6:30 p.m. via Zoom
June 1
PFOC awards application due
June 28
PFOC Annual Meeting
If you are not receiving PFOC newsletters via e-mail, go to the PFOC Forms page and click on the newsletter archive button.
May 23-24
Rio Grande KC
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
May 25-26
Coronado KC
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
May 30-June 1
Sandia Dog Obedience Club
Obedience & Rally
Location: Albuquerque, NM
July 26-27
Flagstaff KC
Location: Flagstaff
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
September 20-22
Prescott KC
Location: Prescott Valley
Superintendent: Onofrio Dog Shows
This events calendar is provided as a courtesy to the dog community and is not inclusive of all events available. If you would like to submit an item, please email the website administrator. PFOC reserves the right to determine which events are included in the list.